Let's turn trash into treasures THEMATIC in TLE Q1

In celebration of the National Clean-Up Month, the Climate Change Commission (CCC) encouraged households and individuals to take time to declutter, implement proper waste management practices, reassess past purchases, and join online efforts towards the preservation and conservation of the environment. Participating and helping to clean the environment highlights our role in protecting the planet, encouraging communities to come together for local clean-up activities and events. As you can see at this first picture, with the help of my shovel, I can easily dig a hole for me to plant a guava tree in our backyard. As you can see in this second picture, I already planted the guava tree and just putting soil around it. I planted a guava tree because it has many benefits for our environment like it provides essential habitat and food sources for local wildlife, it also gives us clean and fresh air, and when the fruit of it is ripe, you will have something to eat. In this third picture,...