My 1st Quarter


    As a student of Grade 10 RIZAL, I was able to learn and discover when the Philippines connected to the internet, it was in March 29, 1994, through a satellite link, opening access to global information and online communities. And I was able to learn and discover the 3 Philippine Pioneers, first is Dr. William T. Torres he is also known as the “Father of the Internet in the Philippines”. Second is Mr. Joel Disini he is the CEO of DotPH, the domain registry for the Philippines. And last but not the least is Dr. Rodolfo Villarica is considered one of the “Father of the Internet in the Philippines” and he is the founder of PHNet.

    The problems or challenges that I have encountered this quarter is my time management, because balancing school projects, school activities, homework, football training and other extracurricular activities is very hard, these problem is common on other student-athletes like me. Second is the academic pressure many students feel overwhelmed by lots of school works to do and a high expectations from their family especially from their parents. 

    Thankfully I was able to fix my time management by creating a schedule for works by using my phone calendar to outline my classes, and the deadlines of all the activities or projects. And I was able to address academic pressure normalizing failure, I'm just putting in my mind that these failure are sign of learning, improving and gaining knowledge, understanding that setbacks are part of the learning process.

    Moving on, I will promise to myself that I will do my best and create a better mindset than the past quarter. I will accept challenges like its an opportunity. I will set clear goals, step outside from my comfort zone, and always maintain a positive mindset and mentality. With determination and focus, I am ready to make this quarter better.


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